23 October 2011

Kiyama Teej Delay:

25 August 2011

IF - Influence

I'm being influenced by multi-media journal madness.
Finally starting to treat PS as an overcomplicated jar of electronic paint and glue.

18 August 2011

IF - Swell

Swell, okey-dokey, the swell of a thigh, wave, knuckle, robin's breast.
This went beyond what a had intended, had to edit it back to something less...

10 August 2011

IF - Imperfect

Been a while, been ...journaling. More of that non-sense to come soon.
For now we have the love of the all-0ne-all-love castile god for his underlings.
Imperfect indeed.
Coulda gone all wabi-sabi with this... interesting that the search for imperfection insisted on bilateral symmetry. I blame gravity.

12 May 2011

Subway drawings being reworked.
Still trying to find a collage method I like.
Falling somewhere between too general and too precise...

15 April 2011

Diver Down No. 9

Trying out some different coloring techniques.
And learning to let go.
From a very quick sketch of a half-remembered fever-dream.

09 April 2011

IF - Bottled

Ok, here we go.
Been on a bit of a Gorey kick this week, so the nonsense is taking hold.
- bottled blonde
- bottled emotions
- message in a bottle
- 99 bottles
- Coke-bottle glasses
- bottle... neck
- a knife, a fork, a bottle...
And a cork... had to stop somewhere before she got bottle-themed jewelry.

13 March 2011

IF - Stir

Stir - Illustration Friday.
Men's hearts, men's souls... Stir it up.